alisa golden

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Folded Envelope

These are the images from my blog post of 20 April 2020 here.

front of envelope printed with old book design on standard printer paper

finger creasing paper

horizontal paper with two small creases on the right and left edges

bottom right corner folded up to align with the right crease

bottom left corner folded up to align with left crease and right corner still folded up

top right corner folded down to align with right crease and both bottom corners still folded up

top left corner folded down to align with left crease and three other corners still folded

left point folded over and one half inch over the folded corners on left

right point folded over and one half inch over the folded corners on right with left point still folded

bottom edge folded up and overlapping the right and left folded points

top edge folded down and overlapping bottom flap about one half inch

© 2020 Alisa Golden, never mind the press