Letterpress haiku book and
Calendar project
Days Made Strange
2011. 5" x 5" / 5" x 6" / 5" x 7" prints, in a holder [approximately 5 1/4" x 7 1/4" x 2" book covers that open to reveal the three-tiered card holder]. Limited Edition.
Days Made Strange is a perpetual lettterpress haiku bookcalendar with fifty loose prints in a holder: seven days, twelve months, thirty-one dates. A forever calendar that is also an interactive book and a work of art that can be displayed standing.Each card is printed with a text fragment and together, the three daily cards make up one new haiku each day that will not repeat for many years. The front cards, the dates, have prints of people in different arrangements and colors. Interact with it like a book or use it as a calendar and be surprised daily. Thousands of haiku combinations are contained within.
An example might be:
She always wanted / to answer a strange letter / by blinking neonAll letterpress. Multicolored. Handset metal type, wood type, and linoleum cuts all printed by hand on a cylinder press.
Forty copies in this limited edition.Send a check or money order to: Alisa Golden, never mind the press, P.O. Box 8106, Berkeley, CA 94707
For California deliveries, please include sales tax for that city/county: San Francisco (8.5% / 17.00); Alameda (8.75% / 17.50), Contra Costa (8.25% - 9.25% / 16.50 - 18.50, please see your city), Sacramento (7.75% / 15.50), Sonoma (8.00% most cities / 16.00), Los Angeles (8.75% / 17.50) or check here for current rate.
If you wish to pay by credit card please contact: Seager Gray Gallery or Vamp & Tramp
The perpetual letterpress haiku bookcalandar will be sent to you (free shipping!) once it has been bound. Good forever. Questions?
Process Photos:
7/25/11 Calendar pages awaiting their fragments
7/25/11 Wood type on the press bed
7/28/11 Months with the fragments
8/17/11 Linocuts printed on bookcloth for covers (printing now complete!)
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