To Order Book Art
Book art is usually sold through art galleries. It is also sold by the artists themselves. never mind the press accepts good checks and money orders. You may wish to check on the availability of some of the books by contacting never mind the press. Prepayment is required. Shipping is 5.00 for Priority Mail, regardless the size of the order. California deliveries must include sales tax.You may buy the book art shown in the Catalog from never mind the press:
Snail Mail: P.O. Box 8106, Berkeley, CA 94707
You may also order through my Etsy store with credit cards: nevermindtheart
Email: info at neverbook dot com . I get hundreds of junk email messages each day so if you write, please put something in the subject line so that I know you are real. A specific title of one of my books is a good example. My press name is another.
You may purchase books directly from the press via cash or check.
The following dealers represent never mind the press:
Seager Gray Gallery
108 Throckmorton Ave.
Mill Valley, CA
Vamp & Tramp, Booksellers, LLC
South Hall Building
1951 Hoover Court, Suite 205
Birmingham, AL 35226-3606
To Order Other Books
Please note that the how to books are not available from never mind the press. You can order these from Sterling Publishing, your neighborhood store, or If you are likely to purchase them from Amazon, please do so from these links. Thanks!
Unique Handmade Books
(this book has been declared out of print by the publisher)
Painted Paper: Techniques & Projects for Handmade Books & Cards
Making Handmade Books: 100+ Bindings, Structures & Forms
To order the following books in which never mind the press is mentioned, please note that the relevant information may or may not be current:
Work by Alisa Golden is also featured in these collections and books
To Order Beyond Words: Artist's Books: contact University Art Gallery, 735 University Ave., Sewanee, TN 37383. $30 for 64 page catalog of 101 artist's books from the exhibit. University Art GalleryTo Order Stack the Deck: Twenty-Two Artists Mark the Cards for Women's Health & Healing: contact May Day Press, P.O. Box 1861, Vashon Island, WA 98070
To Order Speaking of Book Art: Interviews with British and American Book Artists by Cathy Courtney: Send a check for $29.95 plus $4 shipping (and applicable CA sales tax) to Anderson-Lovelace, 13040 Alta Tierra Rd. Los Altos Hills, CA, 94022 or link to Speaking of Book Art: Interviews With British & American Book Artists
To Order Dreams 1900 - 2000: Science, Art, and the Unconscious Mind, Send check or money order for $55 ($50 + $5 shipping & handling) to: Binghamton University Art Museum, Attention: Jackie Hogan, P.O. Box 6000, Vestal Parkway East, Binghamton, NY 13902. Phone: (607) 777-2634, Fax: (607) 777-2613, or link to Dreams 1900-2000: Science, Art, and the Unconscious Mind (Cornell Studies in the History of Psychiatry)
To Order Twentieth Century United States Miniature Books by Robert C. Bradbury. Send $78 postpaid to: The Microbibliophile, P.O. Box 74, No. Clarendon, VT 05759.
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